Honey + Money Cord Cutting Spellwork: Energy Report
The spellwork for cutting cords blocking our money and any sweetness in life started with cord cutting candles being lit on 12/16/24 and the honey and money candle was lit on 12/19/25 at 9:59pm PT and you should see the most changes/signs for 2-3 weeks, going into the first weeks of January! (around 1/10/25)
Please dm me or comment on Instagram or in the Patreon group chat with results from this working! This was an extremely powerful ritual! I’d love to hear how it’s helping you 💛
Cord Cutting Candles:
The way a flame burns during a ritual can tell you a lot about how the energy will affect you and enter your life.
Both flames were pretty steady after they were lit. If you’re interested in watching the replay and more detailed messages, the replay is available on Patreon (Middle and top tiers).
The black candle that represents the things you have negative attachments to (exes, habits, limiting beliefs) had such a hard time sticking to the bowl it was in for the spellwork as I set up. Spirit gave me a message of the black candle representing that the cords aren’t even as strong as they appear or as we may make them in our heads. A lot of the time we make things more complicated than they need to be. You’ve released a lot just by saying you’re ready to! There was also a message of needing to be resourceful and using what we have and what we already know and seeing that as abundance or sweetness! Allow yourself to go with the flow!
The white candle, which represented us burned faster than the black one. This told me we are READY to let this sh** GOOO! Lol. There was lots of buildup on the white candle that indicated lots happening energetically for us as we’ve been releasing these cords. If you’ve been EXTREMELY tired the past few weeks, it could absolutely be because of the energy working! As the cord caught fire, it started from our side and multiple flames traveled towards the black candle. Again, ths indicates us being in a place to let GO! As a note for anyone releasing certain exes, use your discernment, but they could definitely be trying to hold on to you. But know that you have authority over your energy! They cannot stay in your energy if you do not allow it on any level (emotional, physical, spiritual, etc)
Reflect on what’s been coming up for you around money, attachments, limiting beliefs, gratitude, and receiving over the past few weeks. This energy work has done lots for us but we still need to do our part to fully release the cords! Do your shadow work and listen to your inutuition to take inspired action!
Cord cutting spellwork candle screenshots from the live recording, full video replay with journal prompts and meditations available on Moonglow_guide Patreon
Honey and Money Candle:
The honey and money candle was lit on the following Thursday. This is because Thursday is Jupiter day, the planet of expansion and abundance Let me tell you, this candle burned so quickly and the messages were coming in very hot! One of the main things I picked up on as the candle burned is that so much of the honey and money that has poured into our life and will continue to pour into our life because of this ritual are things that our ancestors are helping to bring us ❤ We are breaking some very strong, generational curses by allowing ourselves to receive money and sweetness in a way that our ancestors could’ve only dreamed of.
As you see in the last photo below, the glass bowl (which I always use for candle rituals by the way) ended up shattering and that can seem like a bad thing, but it is absolutely not!!! It represents breakthroughs! It represents the energy coming in strongly! Also know that you are PROTECTED! Listen to your intuition! I did a podcast episode about that! You can check it out on Spotify here. Or you can find it wherever you listen to podcasts, including my YouTube channel! It’s episode number 15 on my podcast called Cosmosis or Whateva with SaliaMarie1243.
Honey + Money Ritual Candle
Shattered honey and money candle, listen to the podcast for full storytime!
Other messages from this candle and its energy: Be sure to stay open to sweetness and every single little way that that may show up for us in our lives! Many participants let me know they were being showered with gifts, compliments, money in big and small amounts. A major key here is definitely gratitude in even the smallest blessings and opening ourselves enough to receive. Our threshold for receiving good things is expanding and in order for that to happen, we need to release limiting beliefs that have told us it’s not OK, that it’s not safe, that it’s not moral to receive sweetness or money in life. So check in with yourself about that, and enjoy the sweetness that life is continuing to bring you!
Thanks for participating in this group working! Our next full moon event will be for self love for our cancer full moon in January! Stay tuned! Blessings all ways, always! ✨
CONFIRMATIONS: Angel numbers 888, 111, honey, craving sweets, getting compliments, extra money, feeling at peace about spending, revisiting money habits, increasing financial literacy, allowing DEEP REST without guilt (or trying to), being more open to community, seeing groups of animals, feeling more gratitude even in small moments